Wednesday, August 1, 2007

History of 21 BMA long course yahoo email group

Taef from arty dream of this yahoo email group ...On Apr 14,2003..01.14 pm wrote an email ...

I am trying to make a group where all course mates of 21st LC can share massages. We are drifting apart. We must keep in touch with each other. Pass the massage along and add as many as e mail address as you can or send to me.

The total 21 Long course guys were due to lack of internet facility and lack of IT awareness a bit shy to know such kind of email groups...but few guys were in connection with email within course mates...later on again on Oct 24 ,2003 ..01.34pm

Taef wrote another email .....

Pls send e mail address of course mates whom you know and spread the word
about this group.



then 21 BMA yahoo email group is developed day by they ...till today 01/08/2007 total 3457 mails were exchanged within us 73 course mates were united with this yahoo email group...BUT FOR UNKNOWN REASON TAEF bounced/BLOCK 12 coursemates email address so basically 61 coursemates receives email allways...I request Taef to UNBLOCK them so that we all be united together as PROUD 21

Lastly Thanks to boxing partner in 2nd term in BMA....YOU ROCK US TO BE UNITED

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